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Mixing personal and company information can lead to a cybersecurity attack. If you combine company data such as customer records or financial information with personal details like social security numbers, credit card data, or medical records - and fail to secure this information adequately - it could result in a data breach. This, in turn, could lead to financial losses, identity theft, harm to one's reputation, and legal troubles. It's crucial to keep personal and business information separate and to implement proper security measures.
Got questions? Submit a ticket at [PB8324.3] Data Security Support.
February 26, 2023 20:52 (on 2/27/23) | 0 | QR Ready | 1 minute read
It's easy to let your guard down when working in the comfort of your own home or office. To prevent inadvertent data loss or leakage, you should still maintain the habit of locking your computer when you're not using it. All it takes is a moment of carelessness for a family member, co-worker, or malicious individual to accidentally or intentionally cause damage or access critical information they are not authorized to see.
Got questions? Submit a ticket at [PB8324.3] Data Security Support.
February 26, 2023 20:11 (on 2/27/23) | 0 | QR Ready | 1 minute read
Cybercriminals also use social media platforms to perform their attacks. To ensure our safety, we must be on the lookout for social media fraud such as solicitations for personal information or phony freebies. These frauds can result in identity theft or monetary loss. Always think twice and don’t click on links that look malicious from an untrusted sender.
Got questions? Submit a ticket at [PB8324.3] Data Security Support.
February 26, 2023 19:34 (on 2/27/23) | 0 | QR Ready | 1 minute read
Installing an untrusted app on a company device can have serious repercussions, such as data loss, malware infestations, unstable systems, policy violations, and legal troubles. It is essential to adhere to corporate rules and regulations and only download trustworthy software for use on your provided workstations. If you require software for your work, please contact the Data Security Team to verify its security before installation.
Got questions? Submit a ticket at [PB8324.3] Data Security Support.
February 26, 2023 19:52 (on 2/27/23) | 1 | QR Ready | 1 minute read
Two-factor authentication utilizes both forms: (1) something you know, like a username or password, and (2) something you have, like an authenticator app on your phone. Apps like these serve as an extra layer of security to confirm if the account owner is the one trying to access it. Once it is set up, be certain not to delete the app that you used; otherwise, you risk being locked out of your account.
March 8, 2023 19:14 (on 3/9/23) | 2 | QR Ready | 1 minute read
If your work involves accessing sensitive information, it is crucial to take all necessary precautions to protect it. All sensitive data must be kept in pre-approved networks to ensure proper control and monitoring. Avoid storing confidential information on your computer's hard drive or in unauthorized cloud storage accounts. It is also recommended to refrain from sending sensitive information via email, group chat, or personal devices. It is best recommended to share it personally or face-to-face with the only people you trust. By taking these precautions, you can help safeguard sensitive information and prevent any unauthorized access or data breaches.
Got questions? Submit a ticket at [PB8324.3] Data Security Support.
February 26, 2023 20:36 (on 2/27/23) | 0 | QR Ready | 1 minute read
March 6, 2023 20:24 (on 3/7/23) | 0 | 0 minutes read
February 19, 2023 20:14 (on 2/20/23) | 0 | 1 minute read
Many individuals are unaware that all criminals need to target you, your loved ones, and your belongings—both online and offline—is personal information from social media posts. This information serves as the basis for attacks carried out by online criminals. We must avoid sharing sensitive information, which includes full names, postal addresses, birthdays, information about children, holidays, and locations.
Got questions? Submit a ticket at [PB8324.3] Data Security Support.
February 26, 2023 21:37 (on 2/27/23) | 0 | QR Ready | 1 minute read
Your mobile device may be using default permissions that you were unaware of having granted or having suspicious apps operating in the background. They have the ability to collect your personal data without your awareness. In order to remove rights that you don't need or aren't using, follow the “rule of least privilege.” According to the principle of least privilege, apps and other system components should only have the access rights required for them to operate properly. For instance, a device's microphone or contacts list shouldn't be made available to an app that simply requires access to the camera.
Got questions? Submit a ticket at [PB8324.3] Data Security Support.
February 26, 2023 21:45 (on 2/27/23) | 0 | QR Ready | 1 minute read